World Premiere Docu-Series Reveals Breakthroughs in Pain Relief

News from Cook County Children’s Hospital:
“The Death of Ethan: A Life of Chronic Pain Ends in Tragedy”

Ethan’s mother, who watched him live a life with chronic unbearable pain, said:

He had dreams to do something in this world, and he struggled to process the facts of his life and this caused him to be more and more frustrated. He didn’t know how to help his pain and neither did most adults in his life. When he asked for medication or begged to lie down or go home… most didn’t understand how such a child could truly be suffering.

Eventually, drugs (especially opioids) were the only thing that they were aware of that could make him “feel better.”

At age 19, he overdosed.

At the time of his death, the medical examiner stated, “Ethan died of mixed drug toxicity.”

What can we do about it?

Catch the brand-new documentary series: PAIN REVEALED. It starts online, for free, on July 23rd.

And you can register to see every groundbreaking interview (and get those elusive answers) RIGHT HERE.

How can it be that the genuine desire to help alleviate pain is stealing lives, causing depression and even suicide at such an alarming rate?

The Opioid Crisis is killing thousands of people every single month.

And this doesn’t just happen “out there”, or to “other people”. This is closer to home than you might ever imagine. The opioid crisis has penetrated every community and there are very few families that have not been affected in one way or another.

Over 40,000 people died from an opioid overdose in 2016 alone.

As a result of these alarming numbers, In October 2017, President Trump declared the opioid crisis a PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY!

We can’t just sit on the sidelines of this negative, harrowing, sad statistic. There is too much grief and loss, and too many lives devastated. Someone has to start talking about SOLUTIONS!

That’s why documentary filmmaker Jeff Hays and his partner, Dr. Patrick Gentempo, have traveled the globe in search of the real, often hidden answers for pain relief.

Watch as they reveal their findings during the world premiere of PAIN REVEALED. It’s a FREE online documentary event beginning July 23rd. And I’ve arranged for you to be able to cash it during its Free debut.

Just register RIGHT HERE and you’ll get your very own front row seat and all the insider details!

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S. Pain Revealed is bringing the most recent science to cure acute and even chronic pain. Hear from over 40 of the world’s leading experts and discover how to approach pain in a new way!