What is the 10B Approach Core Principles For Healing Lyme Disease

Tired of battling Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases with treatments that don’t deliver?

But what if there was a holistic strategy designed to not just fight the infection, but transform your body into an environment where Lyme cannot thrive?

There’s a powerful solution that goes beyond conventional methods: Dr. Myriah Hinchey’s 10B Approach Core Principles for Healing Lyme Disease.

It’s not just treatment—it’s transformation. And it’s yours for FREE!

Discover The Best-Kept Secret To Heal Lyme.

Here’s how the 10B Approach can change your life:

  • Enhanced immunity: Supercharge your immune system to fight infections naturally.
  • Detox done right: Clear out toxins that weigh down your health.
  • Gut health: Strengthen your gut, the core of your health and wellness.
  • Fight inflammation: Learn how to reduce inflammation effectively, a key culprit behind your symptoms.

The 10B Approach is not just about managing Lyme disease—it’s about setting the foundation for a healthier, more vibrant life.

Ready to take control of your health? Click below to learn more about the 10B Approach and start your journey to recovery:

Learn More and Start Healing.

With the right knowledge and tools, you can transform your struggle into strength. Let the 10B Approach be your guide to a healthier future.

But that’s not all!

When you get your FREE guide, you’ll also get FREE access to the Healing Lyme Summit. This groundbreaking event is packed with insights from leading experts, offering you more tools and knowledge to take control of your health.

The best part? It’s hosted by Dr. Myriah Hinchey herself!

Save Your FREE Spot At The Healing Lyme Summit.

For over 17 years, Myriah Hinchey, ND, FMAPS, has been at the forefront of treating Tick-borne diseases, dedicating more than a decade to specializing in its intricacies. Her journey led her to mentorships and training sessions with some of the world’s leading specialists.

Her approach?

Transform the body into an environment where the infection simply cannot thrive. By reducing inflammation, optimizing the immune system, and restoring overall health, Dr. Hinchey has steered countless individuals toward remission.

While she once employed integrative treatments, the last six years have seen her pivot to a more natural approach: herbal medicine, strategic lifestyle alterations, and the principles of functional medicine.

Download your FREE Guide Now and Claim Your Summit Ticket!

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S. By embracing this holistic and integrative plan of care, you’re not just treating Lyme disease, you’re revitalizing your entire well-being. Get started today and see the difference for yourself.

More About Myriah Hinchey, ND, FMAPS


For over 17 years, Dr. Myriah Hinchey has been a guiding light in the world of Lyme disease. Her personal journey with Lyme, including her health struggles and helping her family, has shaped her approach to treatment. Dr. Hinchey integrates conventional medicine with natural protocols, specializing in reducing inflammation and optimizing the immune system. Using herbal medicine, Dr. Hinchey creates an environment hostile to Lyme infections.

Her dedication goes beyond individual care; it’s about empowering patients with holistic knowledge and resources for a Lyme-free future. Her multifaceted approach bridges traditional and naturopathic treatments, making her a unique figure in the field. Dr. Hinchey’s educational path includes a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Connecticut and a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from The University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine.