Watch Episode 5 of the New Docuseries Natural Medicine Secrets

  • Live blood testing – The blood tells the entire story. Watch as Dr. Gioffre tests and analyses his patient’s blood and creates a protocol to take their health to the next level.
  • Cancer-causing chemotherapeutic agents prescribed for autoimmune disease when results can be obtained through nutritional excellence. ‘’I would scream this from the rooftops.’’ – Dr. Joel Fuhrman explains his natural alternative to healing.
  • Less than 40 percent of healthy people poop once a day. According to Dr. John Dempster you should be having two to three bowel movements a day. Learn how diet and anxiety can contribute to poor bowel function.
  • “Food is aging us. Just metabolizing calories, produces free radicals” – Dr. Joel Fuhrman teaches us how to choose foods with a mild caloric restriction. Foods rich in natural phytochemicals and antioxidants slows the aging process and the body does not produce as many free radicals.
  • “Up on the screen, I could see my blood was riddled with parasites” – Learn how bentonite clay and its magnetic properties was the answer to ridding the body of a parasitic invasion.

Watch a short trailer with snippets from some of the 57 experts… Click or Tap Here

According to government findings, 38 percent of American adults use some form of complementary or alternative medicine.

This includes natural products such as herbs and other plant-based products, diet-based therapies, acupuncture, essential oils, and many others.

Why are so many people turning to natural alternatives?

Well, according to the Centers for Disease Control, 6 in 10 adults in the U.S. suffer from a chronic disease. And 4 in 10 have two or more chronic diseases.

And what does conventional medicine have to offer them?

Drugs … drugs … and more drugs

In 2016 alone, Americans spent $329 BILLION on prescription drugs.

And to be clear, drugs prescribed for chronic conditions are not a cure. They simply control symptoms to a certain degree — as long as you keep taking them indefinitely.

Plus, all drugs come with side effects. Some minor and annoying, some downright dangerous and deadly.

Well, this doesn’t sit right with investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker, Jonathan Otto.

Jonathan believes you should know ALL your options when it comes to your health.

Options that go far beyond side-effect laden drugs that fail to treat the real root cause of your problems.

RSVP now to watch this new 9-part docu-series called Natural Medicine Secrets. (FREE to watch)

Over 57 of the world’s leading natural medicine doctors and other natural health experts will generously share what they’ve learned from decades of practice and thousands of success stories.

You’ll discover the best natural health remedies and plant-based medicines on the planet today.

And you’ll see how to use them effectively.

Because even though more people are turning to herbs and other natural remedies, they usually don’t know how to use them to their best advantage.

Claim your pass to Natural Medicine Secrets [FREE viewing] … Click or Tap Here

This is truly life-changing — and potentially life-saving — information you won’t want to miss.

And please forward this email to your friends and loved ones who also suffer from chronic health issues. They deserve a vibrant, healthy life, too.

Live long,m love life and be well!


P.S. Take a sneak peek at the exciting trailer — and register for the world premiere of Natural Medicine Secrets now, to make sure you don’t miss a thing.

About Your Host, Jonathan Otto

As an investigative journalist and film director Jonathan has produced several popular films covering innovative & effective approaches to cancer, autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disease, and heart disease. His work has been featured in international TV broadcast, print media, national news, and radio broadcast.

He received the awards, Young Citizen of the Year and International Volunteer of the Year by the Australian government for international humanitarian contributions, which he continues to support.

He and his wife reside in San Diego, California.

UPDATE: Here are the latest Free eBooks from Natural Healing Secrets (2023). Click the titles to learn more.

eBook #1: 22 Sugar-Free Desserts: The Tastiest Way to Great Health!

eBook #2: Top 23 Natural Medicines To Repair Leaky Gut: Banish Bloating, Indigestion & Autoimmunity

eBook #3: Top 26 “Shopping List” Supermarket Foods to Prevent Dementia, Cancer, and Reverse Autoimmune Disease

eBook #4: 25 Immune-Boosting Natural Medicines: Nature’s Remedies for Keeping You Healthy

eBook #5: 21 Natural Medicine Protocols for Cancer

eBook #6: Top 14 Herbs & Minerals to Boost Your Brain

eBook 7#: 21 Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Disease

AND… Here’s the trailer for the 2023 promotion: Natural Medicine Secrets Trailer