Watch Online: The Vibration of Healing & Consciousness

According to celebrated sound-healing scholar and researcher David Gibson, the whole universe is music  and your own body is a set of vibrational frequencies.

It’s also “a frame for holding sound, which responds to specific healing frequencies and vibrations,” affirms David.

When you discover how vibration works, you’re empowered to use sound for healing the stuck emotional energy in your system.

Learn how sound and vibration can help you reduce pain, calm anxiety, heal disease, and raise consciousness by discovering the healing frequency you need most right now.

You can learn specifically which sounds help you reach a sense of peace… open your heart so you can transform emotional issues as they arise… or explore the realms of higher consciousness by reaching a theta brain state.

On Thursday, November 10, David will share insights, techniques, sounds, and practices for accessing the full range of healing vibrations. 

You can register here for The Vibration of Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves.

In this illuminating complimentary workshop, you’ll discover: 

  • A guided practice to uncover your “soul note” — experiencing the healing vibrations that you need most right now
  • How frequencies, sounds, music, and intention can release stuck emotions and transform every area of your life — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
  • How sound healing can help you discover the specific frequencies and timbres of each chakra — and raise your energy body vibration
  • How binaural beats activate specific systems within your brain — promoting everything from relaxation to positivity to improved memory
  • How to hold 100% focus on an intention to evoke a trance-like state for manifesting anything you want

Go here to watch David’s short introductory video.

You’ll discover that you can transmute the chaotic frequencies of fear, anger, and even PTSD to harmonic vibrations that align you with bliss, provide access to creative downloads, and resonate every cell in your body to a healthy state.

You’ll learn how harmonic frequencies create natural immunities to physical disease and destructive emotions, and allow you to activate enhanced concentration and mental focus.

Imagine the deep healing you might experience if you immersed yourself in practical applications of sound vibration.

You can RSVP for free here.

Live long, love life and be well!


P.S. The Vibration of Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves with David Gibson you’ll experience the power of sound and vibration, and uncover the healing frequency you need most right now — to reduce pain, calm anxiety, heal dis-ease, and raise your consciousness.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

About David Gibson

David Gibson is the founder and director of the Globe Sound Healing Institute in San Francisco (and online), offering individual classes and state-approved certificate programs in sound healing and therapy. He is the author of the #1-selling book on sound healing, The Complete Guide to Sound Healing, and a producer of sound-healing music that is played in hospitals around the country, including Massachusetts General Hospital.

He runs the Sound Therapy Center at the Institute (and online), which offers 15 types of sound-healing treatments. He has produced nine international sound-healing conferences and is the founder of the Sound Healing Research Foundation, designed to help bring sound healing into the mainstream  for use in homes and hospitals.

David set up the Medical Sound Association, consisting of more than 600 doctors and sound therapists collaborating on ways to cure disease with sound, music and vibration. The site now has detailed treatment plans for a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, grief, PTSD, cancer, drug addiction, and dementia.

David received a $100,000 grant to take the Sound Healing Institute’s curriculum into two Montessori schools. Along with 24 sound-healing instructors, he has created over 2,500 exercises for children at every age level. The Sound Education Center now has over 500 downloadable exercises.