V Capaldi’s CBD Story is Priceless

V Capaldi’s CBD Story is Priceless

V Capaldi was given CBD oil from a friend who knew she had multiple sclerosis. She started using the oil and, within about 5 weeks, noticed huge changes in her life: sleeping through the night, no trigeminal neck pain, anxiety disappeared.

That was more than two years ago!

Join more than 30 experts at the CBDHealthRevolution, online and free!

There are so many good stories about the use of CBD in health care…

V toured the USA in a van wrapped in hemp leaves. During this time, she heard story after story from people who found help using CBD to decrease seizures, heal paresthesia, help with cancer treatment side effects, quell anxiety, depression and much more.

She heard these stories almost everyday for more than a year, which led her to create The CBD Health Revolution,  where 30+ experts gathered to teach you about the revolutionary healing properties (and protocols) of CBD for chronic pain, insomnia, addiction, cancer, epilepsy, anxiety, PTSD, diabetes, skin issues, MS, Alzheimer’s and other conditions!

If you know how to acquire a quality product — free from toxins, parabens, synthetic chemicals and artificial fragrances — and how to apply it, CBD can be a very powerful addition to your medicine cabinet.

V speaks with patients every day about their experiences, and most recently reconnected with someone who has been using medical cannabis for pain for one year.  A year ago, he was miserable and disabled…

Now? He’s back to work and managing their pain the three times a day dosing of cannabis.

Her very dear friend has bipolar disorder and had been gaining weight and feeling sluggish on her antipsychotic medication for years. She asked V to help her stop her medication. They did the research, came up with a protocol and she was able to stop taking the medication she had been taking for 20 years.

Incredible! She feels like she has her life back, and has already lost 25 pounds!

With CBD now being legal in the USA, there are many companies who are not delivering clean versions of the product. They’re mixing unhealthy additives, fillers and more.

It’s important to learn all you can about this (new-ish) health product — it has been around for thousands of years, but we’re only now re-connecting to its powers!

Join more than 30 experts at the CBDHealthRevolution, online and free!

Live long, love life and be well!


P.S. When you register for The CBDHealthRevolution today, you also gain access to Get V Capaldi’s powerful, 20-page eBook, CBD Do-It-Yourself Bath & Body, and learn how to incorporate essential oils, botanicals, Epsom salt, CBD and other skin nourishing ingredients to elevate your bath and other skin nourishing ingredients to elevate your bath and body routine!