RSVP to Watch Live Long Qigong

What if growing older didn’t have to be synonymous with a decline in physical health or mental acuity? 

What if there was an ancient wisdom system that’s just as impactful today  — full of practices that provide the path to a meaningful, disease-free, graceful life?

As a celebrated Qigong master Robert Peng teaches his students around the world, Qigong’s 8 Cycles movement series and 312 Meridian Healing Protocol (a set of Qigong practices to strengthen the body and legs and activate all the meridians) can have powerful health-boosting effects.

Together, these two modalities can improve your sense of balance, prevent illness, and cultivate a clear mind and flexible body — blessing you with a longer, more fulfilling life.

On Saturday, April 16, 2022  Robert will explain how combining Qigong’s 8 Cycles Movement and the practice of acupressure can clear out meridian blockages and reinvigorate the flow of energy throughout your mind and body.

You can register here for Live Long Qigong: Uncovering Hidden Connections Between Your Movement, Health & Longevity.

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Be guided in the movement practice of Playing the Tai Chi Ball (one of the 8 Cycles Movements), to improve balance between your brain and body, harmonize your yin and yang energy, ease inner emotional turmoil in times of crisis — and nourish your body, mind, and spirit
  • Explore the physical, mental, and energetic disconnections that result when the left and right brain hemispheres are out of balance — and how Qigong can empower you to restore this balance
  • Discover the Hegu acupressure, part of the 312 Meridian Healing Protocol — and explore how a simple acupressure exercise can ease pain in your head, face, neck, and shoulders
  • Learn Qigong’s secret for easing stress, cultivating inner joy, and experiencing contentment, calm, and peace
  • Discover how to cultivate and nourish your Qi to achieve balance in your 3 energy centers (or dantians) and your central meridian — the “Four Golden Wheels” that represent the wisdom, love, vitality, and harmony in your life

Qigong’s 8 Cycles Movement is a series of gentle exercises you can safely practice to energize your body, calm your mind, activate your energy centers, and massage your internal organs — leaving you feeling nourished and invigorated so you can live a healthier, more vibrant life.

Robert will also explain the practice of acupressure, using the powerful example of the Hegu acupressure point — the single most important point for treating disorders of the face, sense organs, head, and neck.

Qigong’s 8 Cycles Movement and the practice of acupressure can support you in feeling more balanced, vibrant, and at peace. These modalities can help you feel more connected to others and the world around you, more content with yourself, and more hopeful for the future. 

You can RSVP for free here.

Live long, love life and be well!


P.S. In Live Long Qigong: Uncovering Hidden Connections Between Your Movement, Health & Longevity with Qigong master Robert Peng you’ll discover how Qigong’s 8 Cycles combined with the 312 Meridian Healing Protocol can become your secret weapon, helping you age with energy, strength, clarity, and grace — and unlocking your own fountain of youth. 

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

About Robert Peng

Robert Peng, a world-renowned Qigong master and healer, was born and raised in Hunan, China. At age eight, he began an intensive apprenticeship under the close guidance of the legendary monk Xiao Yao, an enlightened master known for his profound healing ability and martial arts skill. At age 15, Robert endured a 100-day water fast in a small, dark room at a secluded monastery in the remote mountains of Hunan province, which initiated a radical spiritual transformation and awakened amazing healing powers. After pursuing his training quietly while attending university in Changsha, he began to teach publicly at 29, and within five years had trained over 150,000 students all over China, Australia, and the U.S.

With his deep understanding and practice of Qigong, and with extensive life and teaching experience in the Western world, Robert has developed a unique way to teach Qigong that people from various cultures can easily understand and follow while enjoying the real essence of this ancient Chinese healing art of wisdom, love, and vitality.

Robert is author of The Master Key: Qigong Secrets for Vitality, Love, and Wisdom, and the DVD/CD companion series, The Master Key. He has been a regular presenter at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Esalen Institute, Integrative Health Symposium, and many other organizations and schools.

Together with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Pema Chödrön, Robert was honored as one of Spirituality & Health magazine’s Top 10 Spiritual Heroes of 2013 for his contribution to transforming the ancient Chinese healing art of Qigong into one of today’s fastest-growing holistic practices.