Explore A Whole-Being Approach To Help You Align With Your Natural Ability To Heal

Explore A Whole-Being Approach To Help You Align With Your Natural Ability To Heal

Expert healer Greg Wieting founded PRISMA, a powerful approach to healing that combines neuroscience and energy medicine with somatic and mindfulness-based practices. This innovative methodology is designed to heal trauma and other conditionings that underlie emotional or physical symptoms to help people return to a state of wellbeing and wholeness. Join Greg on Thursday, October 13, […] more…
Register Today for the 2022 Quit Sugar Summit

Register Today for the 2022 Quit Sugar Summit

The 8th Annual Quit Sugar Summit is happening right now with top doctors and world-famous health experts, revealing the naked truth about sugar, processed carbs, and what to do about it. Over 60 of the most famous, knowledgeable, forward-thinking MD’s Ph.D.’s, scientists, researchers, and authors on the globe will share their cutting-edge research and success […] more…
What about Genetics Loading the Gun and Enviornment Pulling the Trigger?

What about Genetics Loading the Gun and Enviornment Pulling the Trigger?

Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), said that “genetics loads the gun, and environment pulls the trigger.” So this means that genetic factors and environmental factors may not work on their own, but through an interactive way. We know that our daily activities — from what we eat to how we […] more…
Join the FREE Commune Wellness Summit – October 6 to 12!

Join the FREE Commune Wellness Summit – October 6 to 12!

Commune has gathered more than 30 world-renowned teachers on a wide range of topics, from effective goal setting and practical spirituality to functional medicine and mindful leadership, to share insights and techniques for feeling more focused, engaged, caring, and fulfilled. Each day of this free, weeklong Wellness Summit features a 30- to 45-minute keynote lesson […] more…
Explore Lunar Herbalism With Adriana Ayales

Explore Lunar Herbalism With Adriana Ayales

Are you intrigued by the mysterious powers of the moon? Do you notice how the energy of the moon sometimes shifts your state of being — in body, mind, or spirit? According to the ancient wisdom of medical astrology, the moon, the sun, and all the planets in our solar system hold archetypal energies that […] more…
Register Today for Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit 2022

Register Today for Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit 2022

Plants are far more than static substances — they are brilliant agents helping us evolve beyond our personal and collective crises. Tapping into the secrets of plants and herbal allies can help us be more centered, calm, resilient, resourceful, and confident.  That’s why I’m excited to invite you to The Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit. You’ll feel empowered […] more…
Get All Your Superfoods In One Smoothie

Get All Your Superfoods In One Smoothie

Have you heard about the powerful new smoothie that’s packed with anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and anti-oxidative superfoods? This smoothie is a superhero when it comes to reducing inflammation throughout your body. It’s loaded with ingredients that fight oxidative stress that can damage your DNA and cellular tissue. One of these “superhero smoothies” a day is all […] more…
Super Charging Your Health With Seaweed

Super Charging Your Health With Seaweed

Did you know there’s a special kind of seaweed that can super-charge your health? This “super seaweed” can reduce inflammation in your entire body and improve cholesterol levels in the blood, lowering your risk for cardiovascular disease. Not only that, eating this powerhouse of the sea gives you minerals that strengthen your bones and help […] more…
Unleash Energy Medicine Yoga for Better Health

Unleash Energy Medicine Yoga for Better Health

Learn how to repair energetic boundaries, liberate your authentic self and the inherent intelligence of your biofield, and elevate the health of your entire being with holistic Energy Medicine Yoga techniques. On Tuesday, September 20, with Lauren, you’ll learn powerful Energy Medicine Yoga techniques for repairing the holes and tears in your biofield that have left […] more…
Could This Weird Berry Help Lower Your Blood Sugar?

Could This Weird Berry Help Lower Your Blood Sugar?

Recent studies show a weird berry from the Amazon jungle may be the answer to managing your blood sugar. This strange berry can dramatically reduce inflammation while helping to control blood sugar spikes and blood pressure. What’s more, eating this berry can help you manage your weight by increasing your metabolism and supporting your gut […] more…
Ever Wonder What’s In Your Drinking Water?

Ever Wonder What’s In Your Drinking Water?

Think the water from your faucet is safe to drink? The Environmental Working Group has identified toxic “forever chemicals” in the drinking water in dozens of cities across 31 states. And since these chemicals have also been found in rainwater, it’s likely they’re present in just about every water supply, whether it’s from your municipal […] more…
The Life Threatening Secret In Your Pantry

The Life Threatening Secret In Your Pantry

You may think that delicious box of processed breakfast food on your pantry shelf is healthy… but there’s a dirty secret hidden inside. A secret that can put you and your family at risk of life-threatening diseases like auto-immune disease, neurodegenerative disease, mental health issues, and more, with every bowl you eat. Fortunately, author, international […] more…
The Tackling Type 2 Masterclass  Went Live in September

The Tackling Type 2 Masterclass Went Live in September

Now you can join world-renowned anti-diabetes expert Brenda Davis, RD, to discover the truth about Type 2 Diabetes and how to enjoy balanced blood sugar, peace of mind, and optimal health… With food! The Tackling Type 2 Masterclass uncovers the four biggest myths about type 2 diabetes and reveals ten scientific breakthroughs that may hold […] more…
You Need To Know This About Cancer

You Need To Know This About Cancer

Chronic inflammation is believed to cause or promote as many as 1 in 5 cancers.1,2 That scary statistic comes straight from MIT and Harvard researchers. For instance, take lung cancer, the number one cause of cancer deaths… The vast majority of lung cancers can be traced back to chronic long term inflammation caused by exposure […] more…
Is this Really Forbidden Fruit?

Is this Really Forbidden Fruit?

Fruit has become somewhat forbidden in a lot of modern diets. And that’s a shame, because many fruits can be powerful allies in our efforts to fight health-destroying chronic inflammation. For instance, there’s a popular tropical fruit that can have a dramatic impact on inflammation in your stomach. And it has a specific enzyme that […] more…
ANNOUNCING…3 Free Ebooks From Dr. Elena Villanueva

ANNOUNCING…3 Free Ebooks From Dr. Elena Villanueva

Dr. Elena Villanueva has announced a new inflammation masterclass for 2022 and has made 3 eBooks available for free download. The ebooks are each valued at $19.95 and for a limited time they are 100% FREE. No credit card required. You’ll also receive additional healing and inflammation prevention information, read daily by millions, at no […] more…
Why Inflammation Is NOT Your Enemy

Why Inflammation Is NOT Your Enemy

Did you know your body actually needs inflammation to stay healthy? If you’ve ever twisted your ankle, cut your finger, or caught a cold or flu, inflammation is what helps your body fight off hostile microbes and repair damaged tissue. When it functions properly, the inflammatory process is vital for healing injury or illness. Inflammation […] more…
FREE SNEAK PEAK: “Body as Healer” With Peter A. Levine PhD

FREE SNEAK PEAK: “Body as Healer” With Peter A. Levine PhD

Do You Suffer From Chronic Pain? Get a sneak peek of exclusive pain alleviation course content from the beloved teacher and creator of Somatic Experiencing®, Peter A. Levine, PhD I believe that the exercises I’ve developed and that you’ll be learning in body as healer can serve as the path to lead you out of […] more…
Healing With the Language of Energy

Healing With the Language of Energy

As adults, many of us have stopped listening to the energetic messages that hold important cues for what we need at any given moment, often not hearing what our body is saying until it “shouts” louder… and discomfort turns into illness. By tuning in to your own energetic vocabulary, you can tap into your innate healing and […] more…
How Can Your Favorite Plants Can Be A Path To Your Healing?

How Can Your Favorite Plants Can Be A Path To Your Healing?

Nature was created as a divine matrix, and we’re intrinsically tied to all the ecosystems we live among. We are all connected to all of nature. But what if there were a reason for your special affinity for certain plants? What if the answers you’ve been seeking, and the emotional healing you’ve longed for, can […] more…
Learn Advanced Healing Techniques from Cyndi Dale

Learn Advanced Healing Techniques from Cyndi Dale

Discover how to transform your everyday reality through the ming men doorway, a meridian-based energetic point, using gamma consciousness. On Thursday, June 23, 2022 Cyndi will share ways to make actual changes in your everyday reality through gamma consciousness (the guru-level state of being that enables pure healing and everyday ease) and the meridian-based ming […] more…
Give Yourself a Biosonic BodyTuners™ Tune Up

Give Yourself a Biosonic BodyTuners™ Tune Up

Attain heart, mind, and emotional coherence by learning how to use tuning forks to physiologically change your body. On Thursday, June 9, 2022 Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, will share fascinating insights on creating neural coherence with Biosonic BodyTuners™ (C and G). When you experience coherence, it means that everything is working together — the […] more…
Learn How to Use Music as Medicine

Learn How to Use Music as Medicine

Scientific evidence has revealed that music and key sound frequencies have the power to support our bodies to heal naturally at a very deep level. When applied correctly, these vibrations gently massage the body’s cells and have an almost magical capacity to heal emotional and physical traumas held in the body. Health challenges, such as […] more…
RSVP for the Free Online Event Somatic Movement Summit airing June 6–10, 2022

RSVP for the Free Online Event Somatic Movement Summit airing June 6–10, 2022

Registration is Open for the Free Event Somatic Movement Summit Online June 6–10, 2022 The Somatic Movement Summit invites you to strengthen your connection to your body’s innate intelligence as a pathway to greater resilience, flexibility, and vitality. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to conscious movement, you’ll discover a wide range of somatic modalities to […] more…
Identify Your Current Metabolic Energy To Determine The Best Healing Herbs For You

Identify Your Current Metabolic Energy To Determine The Best Healing Herbs For You

According to Ayurvedic wisdom, there are inextricable connections between the mind, body, and spirit — and your metabolic makeup can provide key information about how your specific system works. When you understand your metabolic makeup — whether it’s fast-moving and prone to ungroundedness or slower-moving and prone to lethargy — you can remedy your imbalances before health challenges can set […] more…
WEBINAR: 3 Secrets to Self-Healing

WEBINAR: 3 Secrets to Self-Healing

Attendees are RAVING about this webinar with international speaker, master of bioenergetic medicine, and quantum field visionary Dr. Sue Morter. You’ve got to see it! In her webinar, 3 Secrets to Activating Your Self-Healing Super Powers, Dr. Sue reveals her exclusive tools to activate your cellular circuitry – for health, vitality, and active self-healing. And […] more…
FREE: Dr. Morter’s Healing Meditation

FREE: Dr. Morter’s Healing Meditation

You are a Powerful Creator. You are a Healer. In times of uncertainty, like the times we’re facing now, it’s easy to get anxious and afraid. So it’s vital to reactivate our innate creative essence – and remind ourselves of the Truth of who we are. Worry… Thought… Analysis… Doubt… Fear… Confusion… These things are […] more…
The Top 3 Mistakes That Keep You From Healing

The Top 3 Mistakes That Keep You From Healing

This time of unparalleled global chaos and disorder is calling you to HEAL. Dr. Sue Morter – Master of Bioenergetic Medicine and bestselling author – has witnessed thousands of people heal… physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. There is no better person to show you how to do the same. In her free ebook, Dr. Sue […] more…
Unlock the 4 Dimensions of Medical Qigong

Unlock the 4 Dimensions of Medical Qigong

Imagine if you had the capacity to self-heal — to relieve symptoms, transform dis-ease, and prevent illness — and heal your health challenges at their root cause. You don’t need to imagine it, because the most profoundly healing medicine is your own energy, produced within your own body, for no cost at all. It’s true […] more…
Learn How to Create a Sacred Kitchen With Karen Wang Diggs

Learn How to Create a Sacred Kitchen With Karen Wang Diggs

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if cooking could become a powerful spiritual practice? If cooking for yourself and others could help you to center yourself, foster inner peace, and transcend the mundane? It may sound too good to be true, but cooking can actually be a very powerful tool for spiritual growth. According to Karen Wang […] more…
Learn the 4 Keys to Liberating Yourself From Autoimmune Challenges

Learn the 4 Keys to Liberating Yourself From Autoimmune Challenges

Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease? If so, you’re among the nearly 360 million people worldwide who have — 80 percent of whom are women. According to health experts, if you have one autoimmune disease, you’re 25 percent more likely to develop another over time. As bleak as this may sound, research and insights from an array […] more…
RSVP to Watch Live Long Qigong

RSVP to Watch Live Long Qigong

What if growing older didn’t have to be synonymous with a decline in physical health or mental acuity?  What if there was an ancient wisdom system that’s just as impactful today  — full of practices that provide the path to a meaningful, disease-free, graceful life? As a celebrated Qigong master Robert Peng teaches his students around the […] more…
Experience HighSpeed Healing™ with Debora Wayne

Experience HighSpeed Healing™ with Debora Wayne

Do you suffer from chronic physical or emotional pain? Perhaps you have a chronic disease that has left you depleted and depressed, and have tried everything to heal it, but nothing seems to work… at least for very long. Or, maybe you suffer from mystery symptoms no medical specialist or diagnostic test can explain, and […] more…
Learn How To REMAP Your Biological Age (Free Online Event)

Learn How To REMAP Your Biological Age (Free Online Event)

Discover the 4 fundamental factors affecting the consciousness of centenarians (people older than 100 years of age) and embark on a guided journey to embody a new perception about aging that can increase longevity. On Tuesday, March 8, 2022 Dr. Mario Martinez will share how your biological age can actually be reversed and your longevity […] more…
Spark the Healer Within Using the Power of Qigong

Spark the Healer Within Using the Power of Qigong

For over 4,000 years, practitioners have benefited enormously from traditional Qigong, a powerful healing modality in which you align breath, movement, and present-moment awareness to direct the body’s natural energy to promote health and healing.  Disease in the body can feel like being trapped in a never-ending cycle of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bondage. Qigong […] more…
Alchemize Your Sexual Energy With Qigong

Alchemize Your Sexual Energy With Qigong

Discover a powerful exercise for generating healing Jing (sexual) Qi… and a revelatory approach to wellbeing that alchemizes the primordial and higher consciousness of Qi to bolster your health and spiritual evolution. On Tuesday, February 15, 2022 join Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia, to explore the ancient teachings of the Tao on how to access, leverage, […] more…
Starting Tomorrow: The Truth About Weight Loss Summit

Starting Tomorrow: The Truth About Weight Loss Summit

Join 40 Of The World’s Most Renowned Researchers, Doctors And Dietitians Who Are Coming Together To Reveal The Truth About Weight Loss. What you’re about to discover can change your life. In previous years countless participants have started to lose weight during the summit just by taking advantage of all the free presentations. And now […] more…
Experts And The Truth About Weight Loss

Experts And The Truth About Weight Loss

Join 40 Of The World’s Most Renowned Researchers, Doctors And Dietitians Who Are Coming Together To Reveal The Truth About Weight Loss. What you’re about to discover can change your life. In previous years countless participants have started to lose weight during the summit just by taking advantage of all the free presentations. And now […] more…
Living Longer and Better With Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science

Living Longer and Better With Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science

In the Ayurvedic philosophies of ancient India, it’s understood that living your truth eases stress levels and is vitally important for living a conscious, loving, healthy, and long life. The good news is that there are practical steps you can take now to identify and shift the factors contributing to your current health challenges — providing you […] more…
From a Medicine Man…True Insider Health Secrets for You

From a Medicine Man…True Insider Health Secrets for You

Best selling author Brian Vaszily’s chance encounter with a medicine man three decades ago is about to change your health and life. I know that sounds odd. However, it’s true. You see, Brian has been a widely renowned natural health advocate and researcher for over 20 years. He’s on a much-needed mission to help those […] more…
The Fiber & Gut Health Connection

The Fiber & Gut Health Connection

Only 5% of us consume adequate fiber each day. We’ve all been told to eat enough fiber, but why? It doesn’t taste of anything and it is not a vitamin or mineral we absorb… To understand the importance of fiber, you need to understand how your gut works. You have trillions of bacteria living in […] more…
Gut & Mental Well-Being Connection

Gut & Mental Well-Being Connection

Did you know that your gut produces 90% of one of your most important neurotransmitters? This neurotransmitter modulates your: Mood Cognition Learning Memory Low levels of this neurotransmitter called serotonin have been linked to anxiety, brain fog and depression. In other words: Your GI health directly impacts your mental and neurological health. And that’s just […] more…
The Gut – Weight Loss Connection

The Gut – Weight Loss Connection

We have ten trillion bacteria, fungi and viruses in our gut. These tiny organisms are like gatekeepers to your body and health, and get this: your composition of gut bacteria is unique to you – just like your fingerprint. That allows us to analyze differences and what we’ve learned is that the composition of the […] more…
The Gut-Brain Connection

The Gut-Brain Connection

What can your gut tell you about your risk of getting Alzheimer’s or dementia? It may sound far-fetched but researchers found that the composition of gut bacteria in mice with Alzheimer’s is different from the gut bacteria in healthy mice. How is that possible? It turns out, the wrong bacteria are involved in the development […] more…
GI Health Summit: 36 Of The World’s Top GI Experts Reveal All (FOR FREE)

GI Health Summit: 36 Of The World’s Top GI Experts Reveal All (FOR FREE)

The latest research shows that our gut is the center of our health and the biggest producer of our happiness hormones. So whether you’re suffering from GI issues or simply want to feel great, join the GI Summit and walk away with a roadmap to a vibrant life! Over 2,000 years ago Hippocrates, the father […] more…
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