Ebook Download: Managing Stress for Longevity

Is stress getting in the way of your happiness, health, and success?

Stress is a widespread epidemic that can have serious short and long term effects.

It’s time to act before the consequences are irreversible.

There are many simple actions you can take now to manage stress.

In fact, something as simple as a few deep breaths in through the nose, filling up the belly with air, and breathing slowly out through the mouth can not only bring you centeredness and calm during a stressful situation, but science has shown that this simple practice can have a long-term positive effect on your stress levels, thus your health, happiness, and longevity!

To help you understand what stress really is, its short and long-term impact, and what you can do to get it under control, my friends, lifestyle and success expert Debra Poneman and Harvard-trained mind/body researcher Ronnie Newman have created a powerful e-book, Managing Stress for Health and Longevity. You can have your copy by clicking HERE.

In this ebook, you’ll learn:

~Why it’s vital to get stress under control before it’s too late

~What are the potential long-term consequences of stress overload

~Simple lifestyle changes you can make today to combat stress

~What foods stimulate stress and which can help manage it

~How to create a ‘stress-resilient’ lifestyle going forward

Get your ebook Managing Stress for Health and Longevity here.

The advice in this book has had a significant impact on many lives, and I believe it can have the same effect on you.

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S. When you unlock this gift, Debra and Ronnie will also save you a seat for their free online masterclass Secrets to Slowing and Reversing the Aging of Your Brain and Body.  Download your e-book and reserve your seat now.

Meet The Authors

Ronnie Newman is an award-winning Harvard-trained mind/body researcher specializing in anti-aging. For over four decades, she’s lectured and taught around the world and has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals on the power of meditation, the breath, and other modalities to decrease stress, increase happiness, and slow down and even reverse physical and mental decline.

She’s spoken at the United Nations, FDA, the World Bank, the National Institutes of Health and numerous Fortune 500 companies.

Debra Poneman
has been teaching meditation, Lifestyle Enrichment, and her Yes to Success™ courses around the world for over 50 years.

Tens of thousands have benefitted from her knowledge on how to create inner silence, and on that basis, outer success and happiness…as well as to harness the power of the mind and body to live an optimally fulfilling and radiantly ageless life.