Free Ebook Inside: 3 Simple Steps to Refresh, Restore, and Radiate

We all strive for wellness, whether it’s revitalizing our bodies, finding inner peace, or creating a vibrant life. In the hustle of daily life, it’s easy to feel depleted and disconnected. That’s why I’m excited to share something truly transformative with you – an incredible Ebook called “3 Simple Steps to Refresh, Restore, and Radiate.”

Authored by, Dr. Sue Morter, this free Ebook is designed to empower individuals to revitalize their mind, body, and spirit. In a world that demands so much, these steps serve as a beacon to reignite your inner spark and reclaim your passion for life. It goes beyond the physical and taps into the energy within, unlocking your true self and achieving vibrant energy flow and inner harmony.

In this Ebook, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, restoration, and the authentic expression of your True authentic self – the hidden healer within.

Here’s a glimpse of what to expect:

  • You’ll discover techniques to invigorate your senses and replenish your energy.
  • From revitalizing mindfulness exercises to rejuvenating movement practices, you’ll awaken your body and mind to heightened levels of vitality and awareness.
  • You’ll dive into essential practices of restoration, nurturing your inner well-being and replenishing your reserves.
  • Explore the role of stress in our lives, cultivate nurturing self-care habits, and learn how to heal the “blocks” in your system.
  • You’ll harness the power of your refreshed and restored energy to emanate vibrancy outward. Fuel your body with wholesome nutrition, connect to the healing power of nature, and activate the transformative power of love. Leave a lasting legacy of vitality by aligning with your authentic passions and embracing ongoing growth and transformation.

I’m thrilled to share this incredible resource with you. You can download your free copy of 3 Simple Steps to Refresh, Restore, and Radiatehere.

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S. By downloading the Ebook, you’ll also receive an exclusive invitation to Dr. Sue’s upcoming Free 5-Day Energy Activation Challenge.

Meet Dr. Sue Morter

International speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine and Quantum Field visionary, Dr. Sue utilizes the embodiment of high frequency energy patterns to activate full human potential. Through her seminars, retreats and presentations she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts and energy medicine; the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery.

Dr. Sue is the USA Today bestselling, #1 bestselling LA Times and #1 Amazon bestselling author of The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body and Live Your Best Life. Through The Energy Codes® and her revolutionary year-long LiveAwake® Mentorship Program, Dr. Sue provides techniques to activate untapped energy and neurocircuitry in the body, empower hidden potential, and become one’s true, essential self.

She is the founder and creator of the globally-taught coursework, The Energy Codes®, a multi-level body of work on Personal and Spiritual Development. Dr. Sue also created the BodyAwake® RYT 200 Certified Yoga Program and is co-creator of the Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.). She has served on professional licensing boards, providing guidance to health care practitioners on integrative approaches to healthcare leadership. Dr. Sue is also adjunct faculty at two medical schools at Michigan State University, an AAU school classified as one of the top 100 universities in the world.

In addition to founding Morter HealthCenter in 1987, she is the founder and visionary of the Morter Institute for Bio-Energetics, an organization committed to teaching individuals self-healing techniques with an inner wisdom-based approach to life based on Quantum Science and higher consciousness. With three distinct schools representing the unification of mind, body and spirit: the School of Energy Medicine, School of BodyAwake® Yoga, and School for Higher Consciousness and Personal Development – Dr. Sue provides tools and avenues to empower the global community to discover and embody a joyful, inspired life, lived from the true, Soulful Self.