Free Ancient Meditation for our High-Stress World

Have you noticed that tension and anxiety is running a tad high these days?

Stress impacts our level of happiness in our daily lives, our long-term health, and how quickly we age.

Guided meditation is a powerful tool to keep us feeling centered and peaceful, even when the world around us is in chaos–and it’s been scientifically proven to lower stress levels and slow down the hands of time.

My dear friend and colleague Debra Poneman has been a meditation teacher for over four decades and she has made available to my community a powerful ancient 5000 year-old-meditation (from the Vedic scriptures) called Pancha Kosha.

Pancha Kosha means “5 Sheaths” and represents the 5 layers of our being, from the outermost layer of the physical body inward to the Atman, or soul.

Get instant access to this 20-minute meditation that you can use anytime you need to bring yourself back to center.  Just click here: Pancha Kosha Meditation.

Here’s what others are saying about this meditation:

“I felt so deep that I didn’t want it to end. Not like other meditations where I couldn’t wait until it ended.”

~John S., Austin, TX

“My fear and anxiety have actually dissipated. I’m finding myself smiling throughout the day for no reason.”     ~Connie, Finland

“Thank you so much for the beautiful meditation. I feel completely renewed every time I do it.”                   ~Beth Ann C.

“I shared this with my mom and she had the same experience I did of tension just simply draining from her body. Thank you. Thank you. We all need this right now.”                                                                   ~Jennifer, Chicago

You’re welcomed to return to this meditation any time you feel the need to release tension, go to a place of silence, and stop your mind from chattering.

The more you do this meditation practice, the more you’ll notice that the peace and inner quietness stays with you longer and longer even in the middle of stressful life situations.

Enjoy your meditation and the peaceful life that waits for you when you begin using this tool for centeredness, calm, radiant health, and to slow down the aging process.

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S.  Along with the meditation, you’ll also receive exclusive access to Debra’s “Secrets to Slowing and Reversing the Aging of Your Brain and Body” masterclass that she teaches with Harvard-trained mind-body researcher Ronnie Newman, where you’ll meet this dynamic duo LIVE and they’ll reveal 8 keys to living with a clear mind, ageless body, and happy heart.

There will even be an opportunity to ask them your questions and get coaching towards the end!

Make sure you choose a date and time to attend – you won’t want to miss this life-changing masterclass!

Claim your free meditation and access to the masterclass here.

Meet The Authors

Ronnie Newman is an award-winning Harvard-trained mind/body researcher specializing in anti-aging. For over four decades, she’s lectured and taught around the world and has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals on the power of meditation, the breath, and other modalities to decrease stress, increase happiness, and slow down and even reverse physical and mental decline.

She’s spoken at the United Nations, FDA, the World Bank, the National Institutes of Health and numerous Fortune 500 companies.

Debra Poneman
 has been teaching meditation, Lifestyle Enrichment, and her Yes to Success™ courses around the world for over 50 years.

Tens of thousands have benefitted from her knowledge on how to create inner silence, and on that basis, outer success and happiness…as well as to harness the power of the mind and body to live an optimally fulfilling and radiantly ageless life.