Discover Powerful Healing Medicine With Jean Haner

When times are tough it’s easy to fall into the traps of negative thinking and behaving. Once the negativity starts, it gets harder and harder to shake. Just like a magnet, negativity attracts more negativity.

We can also accumulate negativity from our relationships with family and co-workers, and that energy can weigh heavily on us, keeping us stuck in unhealthy patterns and disrupting our energy fields.

Given that we’re literally made up of energy and vibrations, we’re naturally reactive to the various frequencies that emanate all around us.

When we interact with different people and places, we come into resonance with that energy, both negative and positive, and it can either build us up or deplete us. When we’re on overload, our radiant energy gets blocked and it becomes harder to find joy and vitality.

On Saturday, October 9, Jean Haner, an energy practitioner for over 30 years and the author of five books, will show you how energy clearing, a form of energy medicine, can help you feel lighter and more positive, lifting worry, depression, and sabotaging patterns.

You can register here for Discover How Energy Medicine Can Help You Release Blocks, Create Energetic Boundaries & Regain Radiance & Joy.

In this insightful hour, you’ll discover:

  • A step-by-step practice that can reshape your energy field, helping you create a boundary that is both protective and nourishing
  • How to set up healthy energetic boundaries so you don’t get overwhelmed by other people’s energy
  • The benefits of clearing other people’s energy, as well as that of plants and animals
  • The science behind why you’re affected by the energy of others
  • Why people block getting what they really want in life

You’ll see how an energetic reset can create an emotional shift, putting you in a healthier and more balanced and productive space. Your external world shifts as well, because after a clearing, you act as a magnet to draw positive people and experiences into your life.

Clearing negative, stressed, or unbalanced energy, whether it’s yours or you’ve taken it on from someone else, is a powerful way of wiping your proverbial slate clean, allowing you to let go of thoughts and emotions that no longer serve you in a beneficial way.

Energy clearing makes you more resilient and able to show up in the world in a happy, harmonious way.

You can register here.

Live long, love life and be well!


P.S. In Discover How Energy Medicine Can Help You Release Blocks, Create Energetic Boundaries & Regain Radiance & Joy  you’ll discover how energy clearing can release unresolved issues you’re still carrying from your past, including old stress, tension, or pain — and clear any negative energy you’ve soaked in from the people around you.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled, but if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

About Jean Haner

Jean Haner, a prolific author, teaches and consults using the spiritual side of Chinese medicine, which she describes as “acupuncture for your spirit,” integrating these ancient techniques to heal your spirit, resolve challenges, and compassionately guide you to find love and success in life.

Supported by more than 30 years of study and research, Jean has held thousands of personal consultations, and is well known for translating her wisdom into practical information that can be put to immediate use. Her international workshops have built a community of like-minded individuals who support one another in their commitment to a more conscious path based on open-hearted compassion.