FREE SNEAK PEAK: “Body as Healer” With Peter A. Levine PhD
Do You Suffer From Chronic Pain?
Get a sneak peek of exclusive pain alleviation course content from the beloved teacher and creator of Somatic Experiencing®, Peter A. Levine, PhD
I believe that the exercises I’ve developed and that you’ll be learning in body as healer can serve as the path to lead you out of suffering and help you recapture the simple wonders of life.
– Peter A. Levine, PhD
You are invited to join master somatic therapist Peter A. Levine, PhD as he helps participants alleviate pain and transform their quality of life.
Whether you’re experiencing headaches, IBS, fibromyalgia, or other forms of chronic pain, these exercises offer a proven, revolutionary path to healing.
If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten.
Are you willing to try something different? Something that requires only a few moments of your time that you can do from wherever you are?
What we’re sharing today comes from Peter A. Levine, PhD, a world-renowned pioneer of body-based healing and the developer of Somatic Experiencing®, a naturalistic and neurobiological approach to healing trauma.
He has spent decades unraveling the mystery (and connection) between trauma, inflammation, and chronic pain.
And one of the techniques he uses involves regaining safety in your body through boundaries, which we’re sharing with you right now.
Go HERE to learn more.
It may not be something you’ve considered, to approach your pain through teaming up with your body, because disassociating from the pain seems more logical—but that’s why Dr. Levine’s work is different.
We hope this introduction to his groundbreaking work will help you on your way to relief.
Live long, love life and be well.
P.S. This exercise is especially for you if you experience fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraines, severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS), brain fog, and chronic fatigue.