Give Yourself a Biosonic BodyTuners™ Tune Up

Attain heart, mind, and emotional coherence by learning how to use tuning forks to physiologically change your body.

On Thursday, June 9, 2022 Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, will share fascinating insights on creating neural coherence with Biosonic BodyTuners™ (C and G). When you experience coherence, it means that everything is working together — the heart, mind, and emotions — which alters your physiology.

Dr. John will also introduce the Otto128™, a powerful tool used directly on the body to help align your physical structure — resonating within the bones, stimulating the nerves, and releasing tension from the body.

You can register here for Tune Yourself: Experience the Miraculous Healing Power of Tuning Forks for Body, Mind & Spirit.

In this dynamic free online event, you’ll:

  • Experience a sound-healing attunement with Biosonic BodyTuners™ (C and G) and learn how to incorporate them into a daily meditation practice — to see instant results in easing pain and reducing stress
  • Find natural sound-as-medicine remedies to reduce reliance on prescription or over-the-counter medications through practices specifically designed to create coherence and a balanced state of mind
  • Learn how to use sound healing to stimulate receptors contained in the skin — even more powerful than those in our ears — allowing you to share the gifts of sound healing with others
  • Discover how to neutralize bad thoughts using sound — by helping to shape our conscience and subconscious using resonance
  • Learn to recognize when you are out of tune — and how to use the proper sound methods to regain energy and clarity of thought

Dr. John’s Biosonic tuning forks are specially tuned to create a perfect harmonic space that unites two different sounds together into one… inducing unified and peaceful feelings to reignite the passion and power deep inside you.

Join this captivating event where you’ll discover the science of tuning forks as an accessible entry point for sound healing… that when used regularly has been proven to have a significant and positive impact on health and wellbeing.

You can RSVP for free here.

Live long, love life and be well!


P.S. In Tune Yourself: Experience the Miraculous Healing Power of Tuning Forks for Body, Mind & Spirit with Dr. John Beaulieu you’ll attain heart, mind, and emotional coherence using the gentle, yet powerful modality of tuning forks — to restore inner balance and improve your health and wellbeing.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

About Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD

Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, is a composer, musician, psychologist, and naturopathic physician whose work focuses on the development of tuning forks as musical instruments — tuned to pre­cise mathematical formulas to affect consciousness and bring about a healing response via mindful listening. He is the co-founder of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd. a company dedicated to “tuning the world.”

Dr. Beaulieu is the author of numerous research papers and professional publications, including Music and Sound in The Healing Arts and Human Tuning Vol. I: Sound Healing With Tuning Forks and Vol. II: Sound Healing and Values Visualization.

His research publications focus on nitric oxide, sound, and the relaxation response related to vagal tone. He is the composer of Calendula: A Suite For Pythagorean Tuning Forks and Apollo’s Lyre: A Modern Adventure In Ancient Cosmic Harmony.

He lectures around the world on sound and healing, and performs special sound-healing concerts with tuning forks called Human Tune Ins™.

Dr. Beaulieu has been a practicing clinical therapist and professor for 45 years. He graduated from Purdue and Indiana Universities, where he studied psychology and music, and went on to serve as a supervising therapist and researcher at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York City.