Women who do (this) die sooner!

Women who work longer hours are at greater risk for life-threatening illnesses, including heart disease and cancer.

According to new research from Ohio State University, when women work 60 hours or more for over three decades — it appears to TRIPLE their risk of diabetes, cancer, heart trouble and arthritis.

In fact, the risk begins to climb when a woman puts in more than 40 hours per week, and takes a decidedly bad turn above 50 hours.

This is just one reason why I HIGHLY encourage you to drop everything and register for an exciting new and free on-line program for women called:

50 Ways to Women’s Wellness AND you can register here for free

Because here’s the scariest part about this new research: the study did NOT factor in the effects of ALL the other work a woman puts in AT HOME on a daily and weekly basis.

Just imagine if it did. Scary.

Because it means most women, even if they work part-time, are still putting in 60+ hours per week — placing them all in the highest-risk category.

It’s no wonder so many women are exhausted and depressed, and disease rates are rising.

Whether you’re experiencing health or emotional issues… want to be a better mom… or even want to learn how to grow your own food 50 Ways to Women’s Wellness has you covered.

You’ll learn cutting-edge solutions from top female leaders, including many household names.

And they’ll help you with your diet… self-care rituals… preventing or reversing chronic disease… healing emotionally… moving up in your career or starting a new business… and so much more.

Just hearing Fran Drescher’s story (former star of The Nanny) about her health challenges and transformation is reason enough to register:

50 Ways to Women’s Wellness <== register here for free

And with all the other women, talks and topics you see on that page, it’s easy to understand how life-changing this event will be!

Live long, love life and be well


P.S. The demands placed on the modern woman simply aren’t fair. You’re expected to be everything — or feel like a failure.

Women supporting women is how we can find balance again.

 It’s why we encourage you to share this message with other women, and register/attend together (limited-time free access).

(If you’re a man reading this message, this event will help you understand and be more supportive to the women in your life. Feel free to pass this along to them, too.)

P.P.S. Once you register, don’t be shy about forwarding this on to other women who need this comprehensive guidance and support. I guarantee it will change their lives.