INTERCONNECTED: The Power To Heal From Within Documentary Series WEEKEND REPLAY

If you want to be in the know on the latest secrets to healing chronic disease, boosting health and vitality, and extending longevity through healthy eating, it’s not too late to sign up for free.

Go ahead, unlock the door to INTERCONNECTED: THE POWER TO HEAL FROM WITHIN right now!

INTERCONNECTED: THE POWER TO HEAL FROM WITHIN (broadcasting online) features exclusive interviews with the world’s leading experts on food and nutrition.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • How to heal your chronic disease which doctors are even having trouble identifying…
  • Researchers are just discovering Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune Diseases, Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s, Skin Disease, Allergies, Neurological Conditions, Autism, Cancer… all these chronic and terminal diseases START in the gut. The great news is they can also be HEALED in the gut. This docuseries reveals how…
  • Research around the world reveals that only in industrialized countries do people suffer from these chronic diseases. Indigenous hunter-gatherer tribes (South America, Australia, Africa, India) do not get these diseases! The clue? Their microbiomes are very different; there are greater numbers of microbes and much more diversity.
  • Leading scientists, researchers, physicians and patients have now come together for this revealing documentary, sharing the latest breakthroughs, discoveries and findings about this “new interconnected pathway” to good health and healing chronic disease…
  • Imagine a time not to distant from today, a healthcare system based upon predictive, personalized, preventive and participatory (meaning you can heal yourself) tools. It’ll be all about YOU individually–and what’s (really) going inside your gut…

Each of these interviews and subject matter, conducted by bestselling author Dr. Pedram Shojai, will be stimulating, mind-blowing, and inspiring!

Click here to join more than 100,000 people in the INTERCONNECTED Docuseries now.

 Don’t miss out — it starts today!

Even if you’re not quite sure what your chronic problem is… because the microbiome is connected with every organ in the body, it’s a pretty safe bet cleaning up and rebalancing your microbiome will help tremendously.

Click here to join more than 100,000 people in the INTERCONNECTED Docuseries Summit now.