Meditation: Activate Your Medical Intuition With Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest

Do you sense you have the gift of medical intuition — yet aren’t quite sure how to use it effectively?  

Perhaps you’re a little afraid of it or find it stressful.

Or, maybe you hide your gifts from your family and friends, assuming no one will understand.

You’re not alone in feeling this way. It’s very common to be disconnected from your medical intuitive abilities when you’ve never explored their true Indigenous roots, says medical intuitive Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest.

Dr. Vest defines medical intuition as a modality in which healers use their psychic gifts to assist people with what seem to be medical mysteries. 

While history tends to focus on European medical intuition as though it’s a modern creation, it’s actually an ancient practice that started within Indigenous healing traditions — through the work of shamans, medicine women, and others.

On Tuesday, February 21, Dr. Vest will reveal the fascinating Indigenous origins of medical intuition, in Discover Indigenous Medical Intuition: Discern the Root Causes of Health Issues From a More Holistic Perspective.

You can register here.: 

In this experiential free online event, you’ll discover:

  • Dr. Vest’s guided visualization — accompanied by Native American music and chanting — in which you’ll communicate with an organ in your body and discover its causal connection to a health issue you’re struggling with
  • The 8 main causes of illness so you can begin uncovering the origins of any “mystery” illnesses or dis-eases you’re facing — and be better equipped to perform self-assessments
  • Why mainstream medicine often fails to identify the true causes of health struggles, so you can navigate your medical care team more effectively
  • The role of emotions in illness — and how unbalanced emotions can make you sick
  • How our culture’s blame game — implicitly or explicitly blaming the patient for the state of their health — prevents us all from getting healthy… so you can ground your healing work in love

You’ll experience how profound breakthroughs can occur when you experience medical intuition within its original Indigenous framework.

As you fully explore its original focus on community and responsibility, practice it on yourself, and share it with others, you’ll be free to feel connected to, and empowered by, your intuitive gifts like never before.

You can RSVP for free here.

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S. In Discover Indigenous Medical Intuition: Discern the Root Causes of Health Issues From a More Holistic Perspective with Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest  you’ll activate your medical intuition during a guided visualization in which you’ll communicate with an organ in your body and perform a self-inventory, discovering the organ’s causal connection to a health struggle you’re facing (even if you think you don’t currently have a health issue).

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

About Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest

Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest is an Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive, Akashic records reader, mystic, ceremonialist, and healer. She is a teacher of medical intuition, mysticism, mediumship, psychic development, and spiritual healing, and the author of The Ethical Psychic.

A former philosophy professor with extensive teaching experience, she helps students connect to higher realms and develop their intuitive gifts. She is traditionally trained in Native American sweat lodge, African American Hoodoo, Caribbean spiritual healing, and spiritualism.

She is the founder of the online school Metatron’s Academy, where she teaches medical intuition and other supersensory courses. She also hosts the podcast, Journal of a Medical Intuitive.

Dr. Vest holds a PhD in Indigenous Philosophy from UC Berkeley, an MA in history from Howard, and a BA in Physics from Hampshire College.