What Can Eric Edmeades Teach You About Health & Wellness?

Join Nutrition Expert Eric Edmeades In This FREE Masterclass As He Shares Game-Changing ‘Food Philosophy’ Knowledge, Giving You The Tools To Regain Your Wellness & Vitality.

I am thrilled to share an exciting, life-changing health training with you.

  • To improve your energy…
  • To refine your body shape…
  • To strengthen your muscles…
  • To help you sleep better…

And to add more years to your life…

WITHOUT exercise or calorie counting…

WITHOUT any struggle or hunger…

ALL by altering your relationship with food.

It’s Mindvalley’s FREE The Evolution of Health & Fitness Masterclass. Check it out.

This is a highly informative training from world-class coach and founder of WildFit, Eric Edmeades.

The concepts he’ll share in this class are mind-blowingly simple… yet the associations he makes to why we struggle with food and obesity and diseases are indeed genius.

And all this came from his personal experience of being terribly sick for 10 years – and accidentally curing all of his symptoms, allergies and pain in just 30 days.

30 DAYS!

That’s how effective his methodology is.

But the most amazing part of Wildfit isn’t how it just worked for Eric…

It’s how it’s working for thousands of others.

Like Chris Vuchich, who’d tried everything before Wildfit.

Chris’ story is one we know all too well. Like so many of us, Chris suffered from a chronic condition that was slowly eating away at his body — LITERALLY.

In case you’ve never heard of ulcerative colitis, here’s what you need to know:

This chronic condition causes inflammation and gapping sores all along your digestive tract.

Normal indigestion can be a pain…

But ulcerative colitis can be life threatening.

Even Chris’ family was growing more and more uncomfortable with the risks to his heath.

“it was getting so bad my family was urging me to go to the hospital. I knew they would want to put me on a bunch of medications for the rest of my life and possibly surgery. I told my family about this thing called WildFit and if after 90 days there is no improvement, I would go to the doctor.”

With his family’s agreement, Chris tried Wildfit.

What happened next was nothing short of life-saving.

“I am happy to report the amazing results that my symptoms disappeared completely by day 28!! Here are the other benefits I experienced:

Improved skin

Acid Reflux GONE

Improved sleep

Varicose veins diminished

Enlarged prostate– still have symptoms but not near as bad

Released 32 lbs– wow I’m almost back to where I was in my teenage years

And this sounds a little crazy, but I can feel and sense all of my internal organs healingI can’t say enough good things about Eric and WildFit. It’s changed my life dramatically. LASTING CHANGE.”

Thousands of people like Chris have experienced the life-changing benefits of WildFit — the wild human diet for which every person is naturally designed.

This is not a new fad diet.

It’s a true rediscovery of our roots — probably the greatest discovery since the concept of diets were introduced to the American public about 150 years ago.

I’m going to be direct with you. Be an adopter of his methodology and you’ll add anywhere between 5 to 25 extra years to your life.

This diet has helped thousands of people like Chris to not just survive their health conditions, but live FULL, vibrant lives.

And it’s the diet that will help our future generations survive millions of years from now.

It’s the HUMAN DIET.

So I’m urging you to join this FREE masterclass.

If you take only one tiny step towards improving your health and fitness levels this year… THIS IS THE TRAINING YOU CAN BET ON.

Learn more about it HERE!

I’ll be joining too. See you there.

Live long, love life and be well!


About Eric Edmeades

Eric Edmeades is an accomplished entrepreneur, author and the architect of several highly effective and transformational seminars, workshops and retreats around the world. However, his intersection with the health and fitness industry was an accidental one.

Suffering for most of his teens and early 20’s with severe allergies, sinus troubles, throat infections and acne, he was only weeks away from a surgery to take out his tonsils when a friend of his urged him to attend a personal transformation seminar. That seminar ended up not only clearing up 10 years of chronic symptoms but it changed everything he believed about health and food.

Since then it has been his life’s passion to help people wake up to the reality that, in terms of health, they are off course. That the human and financial cost of our current way of life is far too great.

His years of research on the “human diet” — the diet that we humans are meant to be on — led him to develop the WILDFIT Challenge, a step-by-step system to quickly transition people to this revolutionary way of looking at health and fitness.