The Hidden Autoimmune Chemical From Your Detergent

Science is starting to catch up with the mysterious causes of autoimmune disease.

As it turns out, some toxins are major culprits in triggering and worsening autoimmune symptoms.

You can find these autoimmunity chemicals almost anywhere…

Even in beauty products, soaps, and detergents!

One common toxin from our detergents is even called “the great endocrine disruptor.”

It might cause autoimmune disease, fertility issues, obesity, and even diabetes…

And, shockingly, it’s found in beauty products and children’s toys.

Find out how many of these 23 dangerous autoimmune-triggering chemicals you and your family are exposed to in investigative journalist, natural health researcher, documentary filmmaker, and humanitarian Jonathan Otto’s free eBook Root Causes of Autoimmune Disease & How to Remove Them from Your Body

And get 5 simple steps to dramatically limit your exposure.

Click here to download your copy at no cost 

Keep in mind that I consider Jonathan Otto to be THE autoimmunity expert. His work has been featured on TV news and international media and his docuseries have helped well over a million people discover the root cause of their symptoms along with the best natural protocols for healing their bodies.

In his eBook, you’ll also find time-tested tools to reverse autoimmune symptoms, even if you think your case is too severe…

But you must hurry, as it’s only available for a very limited time.

When you download this eBook you’ll also get free access to Jonathan’s brand new — and soon to be released —10-episode docuseries, Autoimmune Answers that reveals the most effective natural protocols for actually reversing autoimmune disease!

Click here to download your copy at no cost 

Meet Jonathan Otto

Jonathan Otto is an investigative journalist, natural health researcher, documentary filmmaker, and humanitarian.

He has created several highly-acclaimed, groundbreaking docuseries — Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets, Autoimmune Secrets, Natural Medicine Secrets, and Women’s Health Secrets — covering innovative, effective natural remedies for autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disease, mental health, cancer, and heart disease.

These docuseries — watched by millions around the world — represent Jonathan’s unceasing quest to discover the root causes of debilitating diseases by interviewing over 100 world-renowned natural medicine doctors, scientists, natural health experts, and patients.

Jonathan’s greatest reward has been hearing the testimonials from people whose lives have literally been saved with the protocols he developed.

His work has been featured in international TV broadcasts, print media, national news, and radio broadcasts. He received the awards, Young Citizen of the Year and International Volunteer of the Year, by the Australian government for international humanitarian contributions, which he continues to support.

UPDATE:  Here is a summary of the free offers available from the folks at Autoimmune Advantage.

Autoimmune Answers a brand-new 10 Episode docuseries, which shows time-tested natural cures for autoimmune disease and inflammation. See Join Over 30 of America’s top experts at the autoimmunity event of the year, Autoimmune Answers. Watch all 10 episodes online.

Free eBook: Top 26 Supermarket Foods to Prevent & Reverse Autoimmune Disease. See Ocean Robbin Says: “This brand new report shares important research on 26 potent foods you can buy from the market right now – foods that have enormous power to help your body to heal and replenish.”

Free eBook: Download Jonathan’s brand new eBook, 23 Toxic Threats in Our Food that Trigger Autoimmune Disease & How to Reverse Their Effects now and see if these toxins could be the trigger for your autoimmune symptoms. See

Free eBook: Root Causes of Autoimmune Disease & How to Remove Them from Your Body.See Discover what’s actually making you sick ― and how you can heal your body ― in this free eBook: The Root Causes of Autoimmune Disease and How to Remove Them from your Body

Free eBook: The 7 Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan. See You get everything you need — ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to snacks and desserts… Plus the step-by-step recipes for these incredibly healthy, nutritious meals.