A Kitchen Oil Helps Depression And Mood Disorders Says Harvard Health Expert

If you suffer from depression or anxiety…

You may feel like your options for recovery are limited.

It’s likely you were given a quick once-over by the doctor, and then handed a prescription for one or more drugs you’re expected to stay on for life.

But for many folks, these medications don’t offer much help. Plus, these pills (especially SSRIs) come with side effects like foggy brain, weight gain, or loss of libido, just to name a few.

Fortunately, once you know what they are, you have, at your disposal, many scientifically-proven NATURAL options to improve or reverse conditions such as depression, anxiety, and other brain-related issues.

Here’s just one quick example…

On the Harvard Health Blog, Dr. David Mischoulon reports that two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil — EPA and DHA — are promising natural treatments for mood disorders. This is a solution that’s likely lurking in your kitchen!

And Dr. Barry Sears, writing in Psychology Today, claims that adequate levels of omega-3 oils are the only protection the brain has against inflammation, linked to many psychiatric illnesses.

You can read more about omega-3s and dozens more natural remedies when you download your copy of the FREE eBook Solutions for Anxiety and Depression.

Health investigator and documentary filmmaker Jonathan Otto, created this book to offer hope to anyone suffering from these frustrating disorders. Especially, those who haven’t found relief with prescribed medications.

When you pick up your copy, you’ll discover:

  • How your religious faith or spirituality can help your condition
  • Why your gut might actually be causing or worsening your mood disorder
  • A highly recommended diet shown to improve depression and anxiety
  • Inexpensive herbs and spices that support brain health, memory, and stress relief
  • And much, much more

Claim your FREE copy of Solutions for Anxiety and Depression now!

There IS hope for recovery from depression and anxiety. Take this small action today for yourself or a loved one suffering from these conditions. You’ll be glad you did.

Live long, love life and be well.


P.S. Along with your eBook, you’ll also get FREE online access to Jonathan Otto’s powerful new 10-episode documentary Depression, Anxiety, and Dementia Secrets. This series uncovers the true root cause of mental and neurodegenerative illness — and reveals powerful, drug-free protocols now being used to heal thousands of people around the globe.

This is the first time something like this has been released to the public… Some of the world’s leading doctors expose Big Pharma’s chemical warfare… And reveal the natural treatments that DO reverse anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Claim your FREE copy of Solutions for Anxiety and Depression now!

About Your Host, Jonathan Otto

As an investigative journalist and film director Jonathan has produced several popular films covering innovative & effective approaches to cancer, autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disease, and heart disease. His work has been featured in international TV broadcast, print media, national news, and radio broadcast.

He received the awards, Young Citizen of the Year and International Volunteer of the Year by the Australian government for international humanitarian contributions, which he continues to support.

He and his wife reside in San Diego, California.