Learn from someone who KNOWS underlying THYROID issues!

A combination of gut infections, autoimmunity, dysbiosis, food allergens, nutritional deficiencies, adrenal dysfunction, toxicity from chemicals and heavy metals continue to cause an explosion of thyroid cases.

And, conventional medicine STILL isn’t getting it right, most often giving the quick, easy and “convenient” diagnosis: it’s all in your head, but your tests are normal, it’s the natural result of aging…

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with a thyroid problem, or are experiencing difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness and lack of focus; fatigue and sleeping challenges; unexplained weight changes; sensitivity to temperature; gastrointestinal symptoms; depression, anxiety and other mood disorders; hair, skin, nail and eye problems; menstrual irregularities and/or fertility issues…

I invite you to register for The Thyroid Reset Summit, free and online! REGISTER HERE

You see, Dr. Justin Marchegiani works with patients all over the world who are challenged by underlying thyroid issues. He created The Thyroid Reset Summit to teach you to examine your health from all angles — not just the convenient ones — and find answers to continue your healing journey.

Dealing with the thyroid is NOT easy. In medicine, it’s very common to specialize and only focus on one area of the body. So you have a gastroenterologist who only looks at gastrointestinal problems, a hepatologist who only looks at liver problems, an endocrinologist who only looks at hormonal issues…

The problem is that all systems are connected, sort of like a spider web, requiring a background in all the above areas. The goal is to look at the body holistically and support systems that are not functioning optimally.

3 things you can do to improve thyroid health! (You’ll learn about these and so much more at The Thyroid Reset Summit!)

1. Improve diet and quality of food consumed. Eating the standard American diet (SAD) consisting of toxic, nutrient-poor foods will increase your levels of systemic inflammation and also make it virtually impossible to improve your thyroid function.

2. Eating high-quality whole foods primarily consisting of meat and carbohydrate (from non-starchy and starchy sources) every 3-5 hours is important for stabilizing blood sugar. Blood sugar imbalances can be a major stressor on the adrenal glands. Skipping meals and eating poorly can lead to adrenal fatigue and thyroid dysfunction.

3. Find a functional medicine doctor or nutritionist who has experience running lab tests, assisting with diet/lifestyle changes and who can put together a supplement program to help improve your thyroid function.

Click here to join me at The Thyroid Reset Summit, free and online!

Live long love life and be well.


P.S. Still the MOST common and MOST misdiagnosed autoimmune issues, thyroid conditions continue to impact tens of millions worldwide — [link]register today to learn more[/link]!

Meet Your Host Justin Marchegiani, DC

Dr. Justin studied at the University of Massachusetts while at the same time starting off his health career working in a surgical center as he prepared for his medical school training. Working in the surgical field gave Justin a first-hand, up-close perspective into the healthcare system. He was able to see where it shined especially in the area of treating acute injuries and trauma and also saw its shortcomings, which were most evident in the areas of chronic disease like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity which currently plague our society today.

This experience shifted Justin’s focus from a traditional medical approach to a more functional or natural medical approach to healing, where the underlying cause of the patient’s health issues are actually addressed and not just medicated and surgically removed.

Dr. Justin Marchegiani is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst with a B.S. degree in Kinesiology and Pre-medical studies. Dr. Justin has completed his Doctorate degree in Chiropractic Medicine from Life West University. Dr. Justin has completed postgraduate study in the area of clinical nutrition, exercise, and functional medicine so he can offer the most cutting-edge techniques to help address his patient’s growing health care needs.

Dr. Justin works with a wide variety of patients all the way from athletes trying to increase performance and heal from injuries to the everyday person with chronic health problems. Using a holistic approach, addressing core underlying barriers to healing along with sensible lifestyle and nutritional changes nearly everyone can benefit from his care.

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