Discover How To Create New Neural Pathways Through Proven Energy-Medicine Practices

You’ve likely experienced powerful healing through gifted practitioners and modalities like EMDR, cranial sacral work, and Reiki.

But what if YOU could spontaneously transform emotional patterns that have wielded tremendous influence over your life — warping your beliefs, laying the groundwork for dis-ease, and limiting your capacity to access your authenticity, soul gifts, and joy?

On Wednesday, September 4, internationally acclaimed healer and author Jennifer McLean will share specific energy-healing practices designed to help you directly address and dissolve energy blocks — at the moment you’re feeling triggered and reactive.

You can register here for Energy Healing Practices for Spontaneous Transformation: Discover How to Release Negative Beliefs & Heal Emotional Patterns (in the Moment!) 

In this powerful FREE video event, you’ll discover:

  • Breakthrough insights into the role that energy healing plays in shifting your neuro-pathways, and into the warped beliefs and perceptions we hold about ourselves and the world
  • A powerful energy healing to transform a lifelong pattern held in your body and subconscious mind 
  • How unblocked energy can liberate your authentic nature, create vibrant health, and give you a deeper connection with your soul 
  • The key to unwinding old patterns in the moment they’re activated — and shifting into a higher frequency of consciousness 
  • How to clear your channel to Divine guidance so you can make clear, empowered decisions   

As Jennifer says, “Fear, obsessive thinking, and judgement are your soul’s way of telling you, It’s time to heal.”

So don’t miss the opportunity to discover how shifting these old patterns held in your neural physiology can create new neural pathways, and move traumatic memories that are still causing you upset into a new part of the brain, where they no longer stimulate reactivity and stress.

You can RSVP for free here: Energy Healing Practices for Spontaneous Transformation


P.S. In this special hour with Jennifer McLean, you’ll discover how you can create new neural pathways — through proven energy-medicine practices that connect you with your authentic nature and soul gifts — so you can experience profound shifts in your health AND spontaneous transformation.

You won’t want to miss this life-enhancing hour!

Register now (and even if you can’t attend live, you’ll receive a downloadable replay later): Energy Healing Practices for Spontaneous Transformation

About Jennifer McLean

Jennifer McLean is an internationally acclaimed healer, author, speaker, edge pusher, and transformational change agent. As a trained healer, Jennifer has helped individuals transmute their deepest fears, blocks, and old beliefs into new levels of alignment, growth, health, wholeness, and abundance.

Her innovative Spontaneous Transformation Technique has helped hundreds of thousands over three decades shift held energy in the body to successfully liberate themselves from old hurts and patterns of obstacles that lead to disease and upset. With hundreds of certified practitioners, this popular technique is reaching more and more people to accelerate healing and elegantly resolve old beliefs and upsets.

Jennifer combines her powerful intuitive gifts with emotional and spiritual discernment to assist you in lovingly identifying and compassionately releasing and changing the old neural pathways that have kept you from living a magnificent life.

The change starts immediately by simply being in Jennifer’s presence, as she speaks this encoded frequency of healing and guides you through Spontaneous Transformation sessions. Jennifer also offers sound-vibration Soul Songs — musical arrangements containing unique tonal sound-healing vibrations that promote profound change.

The author of five books, Jennifer has appeared on Fox, CBS, NBC and been featued in prominent online publications and summits. She is also the producer of the renowned Healing With The Masters online media franchise that reached more than 1,000,000 souls over 17 seasons of transformation.