Free Download: Herbs and Minerals to Boost Your Brain by Jonathan Otto

UPDATE: Here are the latest Free eBooks from Natural Healing Secrets (2023). Click the titles to learn more.

eBook #1: 22 Sugar-Free Desserts: The Tastiest Way to Great Health!

eBook #2: Top 23 Natural Medicines To Repair Leaky Gut: Banish Bloating, Indigestion & Autoimmunity

eBook #3: Top 26 “Shopping List” Supermarket Foods to Prevent Dementia, Cancer, and Reverse Autoimmune Disease

eBook #4: 25 Immune-Boosting Natural Medicines: Nature’s Remedies for Keeping You Healthy

eBook #5: 21 Natural Medicine Protocols for Cancer

eBook #6: Top 14 Herbs & Minerals to Boost Your Brain

eBook 7#: 21 Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Disease

AND… Here’s the trailer for the 2023 promotion: Natural Medicine Secrets Trailer

Did you know that most people are six times more frightened of developing dementia than cancer?

That tells you something, doesn’t it?

It’s sad, particularly when you know that over 50 percent of the 5.8 million Americans with Alzheimer’s don’t even know they have it — yet.

In far too many cases, the early symptoms of mild cognitive impairment go unnoticed.

Until it’s too late.

The Mayo Clinic warns of the following symptoms:
• Forgetting things more frequently
• Losing your train of thought or the thread of conversations
• Feeling overwhelmed by making decisions or accomplishing tasks
• Becoming more impulsive or showing poor judgement
• Feeling depressed, anxious, or irritable

Even if you don’t have any of these warning signs, one of the best decisions you can make is to become more proactive when it comes to your brain health.

Investigative journalist and filmmaker, Jonathan Otto, covers some basic drug-free steps you can take in his brand-new eBook that you can pick up at no cost.

Download: Herbs and Minerals to Boost Your Brain [100% FREE]

Here are just a few things you’ll discover:

• 5 triggers for brain disease (what is really making you sick?)…
• 3 basic natural remedies EVERYBODY should be taking…
• 7 symptoms that suggest you’ve been overexposed to heavy metals and toxins…
• Which herbs and minerals work best to boost your brain health?
• The best diet to fortify your brain for a healthy future…
• How to know if you have inflammation in your brain…
• And much, much more…

Download: Herbs and Minerals to Boost Your Brain [100% FREE]

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s. Drug companies have actually admitted their drugs are miserable failures.

What’s more, you can’t get a prescription drug from the doctor to boost your brain health. That’s why natural remedies are so important.

When you download your eBook, you’ll also get a FREE PASS to the world premiere of Natural Medicine Secrets. In this 9-episode docu-series, Jonathan Otto has gathered together over 57 leading natural medicine experts, who will share their top natural healing protocols — developed over decades of clinical practice.

In addition to helping reverse cognitive decline and memory loss, these safe and proven natural remedies can help you reduce the disease-causing inflammation associated with many chronic diseases.

Don’t let brain dysfunction rob you of the quality of life you deserve.

 Get your FREE eBook and pass to the world premiere of Natural Medicine Secrets

Live long, love life and be well!


P.S. If you’re older, overweight, a smoker, or don’t exercise… Or if you have conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or depression… The Mayo Clinic warns you are at an increased risk of brain dysfunction. Click here now for your no-cost brain-saving tools.

About Your Host, Jonathan Otto

As an investigative journalist and film director Jonathan has produced several popular films covering innovative & effective approaches to cancer, autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disease, and heart disease. His work has been featured in international TV broadcast, print media, national news, and radio broadcast.

He received the awards, Young Citizen of the Year and International Volunteer of the Year by the Australian government for international humanitarian contributions, which he continues to support.

He and his wife reside in San Diego, California.