14 Minutes. 5 Days. Live Altering Results

The unprecedented global challenges we’re all facing today are leaving serious health challenges in their wake.

People post on social media about the weight they’ve put on. Others talk about the emotional stress they are facing, and the toll it is taking on their lives.

Challenging times call for proactive measures…  challenging the problems of the moment and taking charge of our personal responses.

Here’s something that you might find helpful. Give it 14 minutes for 5 days and see what it can do for you.  It’s free to try. 

It’s called Holosync®. And it’s a proven technological method for creating positive changes in the brain. Changes that create more energy, willpower, focus, motivation… and many other positive changes that make goal achievement easier.

Unbelievably, an optimized brain also allows you to have more compassion and love for others, and… to move through your life in a much more powerful way.

Holosync, for instance, calms a part of the brain (the limbic system) that creates the fear response many people experience as they set goals.

It’s not a secret that fearfulness and living your best life are incompatible.

Calming the brain’s fear center (which Holosync does amazingly well)…opens your mind and your life to tremendous new potential.

Holosync also calms the part of the brain associated with another goal achievement enemy… procrastination.

There’s much more, but I think you can see why I’m strongly recommending that you try Holosync.

In fact, over 2.2 million people have already changed their lives by using Holosync. I think you should become one of them.

If you’re wondering whether Holosync is for you, and whether or not it will create dramatic improvements in your life… here’s an easy (and fun) way to find out:

Listen to Centerpointe’s Holosync demo for free, not just once, but for several days in a row, by participating in… The 5-Day Holosync Challenge”.

The 5-Day Challenge is fun (and free), and you’ll also be able to connect (and compare notes) with others who are evaluating Holosync.

Here’s how it works:

Once a day for five days, you’ll gather (online) with other people who are also interested in Holosync.

Then, you’ll…

  • Watch a short (3-4 minute) video with more info about Holosync…
  • Listen to a 14-minute Holosync soundtrack…

Concerned about making a 5-Day commitment? No problem. You can listen to however many days you want. It’s totally up to you.

Once you experience day 1, though, I suspect that you’ll eagerly come back for days 2, 3, 4, and 5.

And, it only takes 14 minutes (besides, Holosync feels so good, and will completely change the rest of your day for the better when you listen).

Here are a few comments posted by people participating in the 5-Day Holosync Challenge:

Lyndsey Marsh ·

Day 5: WOW! I’m sleeping better, I feel more confident, I’m not smoking as much, I’m not craving sweet stuff as much, I have more energy, I feel loads calmer, even the kids seem calmer! It puts me in an instant state of relaxation.

Lisa Feldman Tabman ·

I am loving the soothing sounds. It’s just what I need right now! I already feel a difference in my anxiety, sleep, and I even think I’m smiling more!

John Beyerlein·

It’s just keeps getting better. Today I focused on a specific problem. And was able to come up with some new creative solutions.

Hillary Rile Jean ·

I felt myself spontaneously coming up with solutions to problems I had encountered earlier in my day.

I also felt myself become more confident that I could actually achieve something that I had believed I would not have been able to achieve by myself before listening to this session. I’m really excited for the next 4 days of this challenge!

Lydia Antelo

I´ve been listening for 4 days. I feel I have more energy, more focus, and answers seem to come out of the blue. I smile more and feel more confident, thus relating better with the people I meet and solving problems in a much more relaxed way.

You can tell from these comments why I think you’ll love the 5-Day Holosync Challenge!

Just click here to register. It’s fun, it’s free, and I know you’ll enjoy connecting with people like those who made the above comments.

Try Holosync for yourself. Then, armed with a better brain… go make your greatest life happen!

Live long, love life and be well!


PS: In case you’re still on the fence about trying the 5-Day Challenge, let me share these proven benefits with you:

Holosync systematically enhances your prefrontal cortex, the source of:

  • The ability to set goals and plan for the future
  • The ability to feel and express emotions
  • Concentration and focus
  • Learning from experience
  • Executive function
  • Rational thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Impulse control
  • Confidence
  • Persistence
  • Willpower
  • Creativity
  • Empathy

You can see why strengthening your prefrontal cortex will increase your ability to succeed.

Meanwhile, Holosync calms your limbic system, the source of many common human problems that are poison for positive life changes:

  • An inability to consider long-term consequences and stick with a goal
  • Over-production of harmful stress chemicals
  • Negative thinking, negative feelings
  • A low threshold for stress
  • Relationship problems
  • A lack of willpower
  • Emotional reactivity
  • Procrastination
  • Depression
  • Bad habits
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Anger

In fact, over 2.2 million people have already changed their lives by using Holosync.

You should become one of them.

Click here to register for the 5-Day Holosync Challenge!